Rob’s work captures the changing mood of his ancient, sacred land steeped in tradition, folk tales and mysticism. Inspired by the rocks, soil, mythology and spirituality of Cymru and other nations, his unique art is thought-provoking, beautiful and enigmatic.

Yn denu ysbrydoliaeth o greigiau, pridd, mytholeg, ac ysbrydolrwydd Cymru, ei famwlad Geltaidd, mae gwaith Robert Wyn Evans yn syllu’n ddwys ar y tir hynafol a chysegredig a grëwyd gan natur a’n cyndeidiau.

Always delighted to conjure a special picture of your magical place

Gracias por tu interés amigas.

Hapus i greu llun arbennig o'ch lle hudol.

Merci de votre intérêt pour mon art.

Дякую всім за інтерес до мого мистецтва.

Inspiration - Creativity - Tradition

Ysbrydoliaeth - Creadigrwydd - Traddodiad

I have two pieces... both of which I lovingly display in my study.

Robert is able to recreate scenes that feel so familiar and yet take you away to lands you have yet to explore or travel to.

I am very fond of them because of the love that has been poured into making them.

— James B, London

The art of Robert Wyn Evans 

His landscape settings can be playful, historical and mythological evoking stories from the Mabinogion.

 Evans’s beach pieces have a sense of play evocative of childhood, and their decorative and spiral features return us to the world of Celtic art.

© Dr Ceri Thomas, RCA — artist, art historian, curator (2023)